Allergies in Horses: Causes, Preventions, and Treatments

CATEGORY:Equine Blogs

Allergies in Horses: Causes, Preventions, and Treatments - Silver Lining Herbs

Let’s Tame Horse Allergies!

Horses can have allergies the same as people can. An allergy is an abnormal reaction to allergens, or foreign substances, by an immune system that has become oversensitive. There are various ways to tame allergies in horses. Firstly, finding the cause is key in prevention and management. Horse allergies can show up in many different ways but the two most common is through the skin or respiratory system.

Skin Allergies and Issues

The most common horse allergy is hives. Hives can appear around the neck and shoulders and then move over the rest of the body. Hives aren’t usually itchy but insect bites make for very itchy areas and you may notice your horse rubbing up against a structure to itch himself.

Horse Allergy Causes

There are many causes of allergic skin reactions in horses. Allergy triggers like seasonal pollens, dust, mold – and bedding or maybe something topical that was used- can all show up as skin reactions. Vaccinations, and of course, insect bites are also very common causes of skin reactions.

Allergies In Horses Prevention

If your horse is allergic to insect bites, the best way to prevent this is to try and get rid of the insects. Using sticky insect traps, sprays, and other insect control around your barn is helpful to keep insects off your horse. Our Bug Repel Bundle is helpful in keeping insects at bay around boarding facilities and off your horse.

Allergy Management

Hives sometimes go away on their own. Sometimes even just a bath to rid your horse’s coat of pollens will do the trick. But, for more severe cases, your horse will need intervention. Helping your horse’s liver maintain normal histamine levels is key in the management of allergies. If you’re looking for something to support the normal detoxification process, assist the body in combating environmental pollutants, and clear up hives, look to our #27 Liver Support.

Liver Support for Horses - Silver Lining Herbs

Respiratory Allergies

If you’ve noticed your horse coughing, sneezing, or wheezing without any nasal discharge, he may have a respiratory allergy.

Horse Respiratory Causes

Dusty, moldy hay or bedding, and pollens in pastures and in the air can cause horse allergies. Your horse’s immune system can be affected when they’re confined to a small indoor area. Breathing in dust and excrement odors in their surroundings can cause respiratory allergies to occur.

Respiratory Prevention and Management

There are various ways allergies in horses can be prevented and managed. Avoiding dusty feeds like hay and grains is a good start. Always check hay for irritants like mildew. Also, changing bedding to shavings or shredded paper can be helpful. Lastly, make sure your horse has plenty of fresh air. Further intervention may be needed if your horse still can’t stay healthy. Again, a natural herbal supplement such as our #27 Liver Support is beneficial in helping the liver to filter toxins and begin the process of flushing horse allergies from the body. Also, used in conjunction with our #22 Respiratory Support, your horse will be at an advantage by giving him a natural boost required for normal respiratory function. Lastly, introducing omega-3 fatty acids like hemp or flaxseed will help reduce inflammation caused by allergies. Our #44 Hemp Seed Coconut Oil is beneficial for both respiratory allergies as well as skin issues.

Our Seasonal Discomfort Bundle includes everything your horse needs to be at their best all year-round. Immune Support for Horses helps your horse comfortably expel and evacuate substances from the body, meaning your horse will be in peak shape and ready to perform. A horse’s liver is key for helping filter and flush harmful toxins from their body. Liver Support for Horses helps horses easily and comfortably rid their bodies of harmful waste. 

Seasonal Discomfort Bundle for Horse - Silver Lining Herbs


Bottom Line on Horse Allergies

Horse allergies can get worse over time when exposed repeatedly. By supporting horse allergies early on, you can minimize the effects they have on overall health. Discover relief for your horse allergies the natural way. Check out our products today!

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