Parsley for Dogs: Health Benefits, Effects & Quantity [2022]

CATEGORY:Canine Blogs

Parsley for Dogs: Health Benefits, Effects & Quantity [2022] - Silver Lining Herbs

Parsley may provide many potential health benefits to your beloved dog. Parsley is know to be a nutritionally rich herb. The primary nutrients that parsley provides are: calcium, chlorophyll, cobalt, copper, iron, potassium, riboflavin, silicon, sodium, sulfur, thiamine, vitamins A, B, C and K.

Parsley is often times recommended as a preventative herb. It is so nutritious that it may help with prevention of infections and disease.

Parsley may help the kidneys with problems. Its essential nutrients may help cleanse the blood filtering system. It may also be good for liver problems caused by jaundice.

Let’s break down the nutrition found in parsley and the potential benefits they may offer to a dogs overall health.

Parsley Provides Vitamins A – Dog Health Benefits

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin. If used correctly, it may have many benefits in dogs. Vitamin A is necessary for the body to perform many functions. These functions include: bone growth, vision, immunity and maintenance of epithelial tissue.

Vitamin A deficiency may result in night blindness, malformed bones and joints, and poor immune response. states “Vitamin A directly affects immunity through both production of antibodies and through maintaining an adequate barrier to infection with healthy epithelial cells. Vitamin A deficiency reduces the primary antibody response in the event of infection.”

Vitamin B Health Benefit for Dogs

Parsley is also a great supplier of vitamin B. The American Kennel Club goes over the benefits that these vitamins can provide for a dog. They state:

  • “Thiamine helps regulate energy and carbohydrate metabolism, and activates ion channels in neural tissue.
  • Riboflavin, B12, and niacin help facilitate enzyme function.
  • Vitamin B6 is especially vital. This vitamin is responsible for glucose generation, red blood cell and nervous system function, hormone regulation, immune response, niacin synthesis, and gene activation.
  • Pantothenic acid helps with energy metabolism.
  • Folic acid plays a role in amino acid and nucleotide metabolism and in mitochondrial protein synthesis.”

Parsley is a great source to obtain folic acid, which is an important B vitamin. The small intestines, liver, kidneys, and muscle all depend on folic acid to perform their proper role.

Folic acid helps ensure the integrity of dog’s cell membranes. Without the proper amount of folic acid in a dog’s diet, the structure of their cell membranes can weaken and ultimately die.

Vitamin K Health Benefit for Dogs

Vitamin K is extremely high in Parsley. In fact Vitamin K is the main nutrition found in Parsley. Vitamin K is responsible for activating your dog’s blood clotting ability. The dog’s body needs vitamin K to produce prothrombin. Prothrombin is a protein that is important in blood clotting and bone metabolism. Without this essential vitamin, your dog is a risk for server bleeding which may be life threatening.

Role that Potassium Plays in Dogs

Parsley may help add potassium to a dogs diet.

The major functions of potassium are to maintain water balance and osmotic pressure. Potassium also helps in maintaining acid-base balance. It activate enzymes and metabolize carbohydrates and proteins. It also regulate neuromuscular activity and helps regulate the heart.

Early signs your dog may show of potassium deficiency may be: muscle weakness, nervous disorders, stiffness, and reduce heart rate.

Parsley Provides Calcium for Dogs

Calcium is known for its role in building strong teeth and bones. While this may be its primary role, it also plays other major roles at the cellular level. These roles include: blood clotting, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contractions, maintenance of vasomotor tone, and cellular signaling.

Calcium is important to a dogs health at the cellular level. The right amount of calcium must be present in their blood at all times. If dogs do not get adequate calcium from their diet, bad things can start to happen.

For starters, their bones will begin to break down. The calcium released from the bones makes it way to the dog’s blood stream. Once the calcium reaches the blood stream, it is delivered to the organs that highly depend upon it.

If your dog does not get the needed calcium from their diet, this process, of the bones breaking down, will continue. If this process continues, it can possibly lead to a disease in dogs known as nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Parsley in Our Dog Health Product.

Parsley is a wonderfully nutritious and healing food. But far to often it is under-appreciated. Parsley is a storehouse of nutrients and that may be beneficial to the overall health of humans and dogs.

We know how important parsley may be in maintaining a dogs overall health. That is why we use parsley in many of our herbal health products for dogs. Kidney Support, Thyroid Support and Immune Support just to name a few, all have parsley integrated into their formulas. Dogs are not just carnivores, they can also benefit from the nutrition that herbs, such as parsley, has to offer.

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