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Download your copy of Silver Lining Herbs Deworming Guide

If you’re a horse owner looking for reliable information on keeping your horse healthy and parasite-free, our guide on Naturally Deworming Horses with Herbal Remedies is your go-to resource. Created by our team at Silver Lining Herbs, this guide covers everything you need to know about herbal deworming.

In this guide, you’ll not only learn the history behind herbal remedies and powerful herbs, we also explain the differences between traditional chemical dewormers and natural alternatives, so you can make informed choices for your horse's well-being. We identify various types of parasites that might affect your horse and outline the signs to watch out for, as well as explain the lunar cycle’s significance so you understand the science behind our holistic approach.

This guide was written with you in mind. Download our Naturally Deworming Horses with Herbal Remedies guide and join us for our deworming event on February 9th to take proactive steps toward keeping your horse happy and healthy.


What The Guide Covers:

History and background of herbal deworming for horses

An overview of herbal remedies and ingredients we use to naturally deworm

A comparison between chemical dewormers and herbal deworming methods

Detailed information on various types of parasites that affect horses

How to identify signs of parasite infestation

The significance of the lunar cycle

Understanding the parasite egg-laying cycle and its alignment with lunar phases

Breakdown of the natural deworming process during Days 1-3, Days 4-7, and Days 7-10

Cautionary information on the abrasiveness of diatomaceous earth and its potential harm to the digestive tract

A holistic explanation of supporting the horse's digestive system

Be fully confident in taking care of your horse. Download our Deworming Guide today.